London Night Photography Tricks

January 8, 2013

London Night Photography Tricks . These photographs reflect the energy of London in the wet. As a break from my portrait photography I explored the River and Trafalgar Square. There are few weddings this time of year and my school photography has finished for a few months so Night Photography  seemed a good option. Instead of wishing for the rain to go away, why not embrace it and use it to enhance your photography? Protect your camera and try and pick a clear night so that you can see as much as possible of the skyline. Check the weather on

London iconic photographs

Night Photography

Photograph of London Bus in Trafalgar Square

The red London bus and the London Underground represent the city of London so I was determined to capture these icons. I used the Bulb setting, as mentioned in my last blog where the shutter is open for several seconds. The time it was open in this busy part of London was around 6 seconds. Once you have found a good position wait for something interesting to walk or drive in to the scene. The women talking in this one add the essential human element to this city landscape.

Night Photography

Embankment picture with Big Ben

Light and Photography in night time London

This long exposure shows the taillights of the busy London traffic on the Thames side road. I think the red light of the rear lights look more impressive than the white headlights of oncoming cars so kept to this side of the road.

Light and Photography in night time London

Reflections of Underground sign

I experimented with the fascinating Reflections and light on London’s pavements and tried to capture more iconic London signs.

Light and Photography in night time London

Light Streams Photography

Lights can be photographed by keeping the camera stationary and filming moving light or the camera can be moved to create the illusion of movement. I did the latter in this case.


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